Title:From Control to Purpose: Humans in the Internet of Things
Presenter:Dr. Stefan Ferber
Role:Director Communities and Partner Networks
Affiliation:Bosch Software Innovations GmbH
The Internet of Things & Services, Web 3.0, M2M, or cyber physical systems are much more than just buzzwords for the outlook of connecting 50 billion devices by 2015. It is a chance and a challenge to bring the virtual and physical world closer to each other. The Internet of Things & Services can be viewed from several perspectives: technology advances, market disruptions, business innovation, and the human role in it. The next version of the internet is the technological and social driving force behind the transition of systems and organizations from control to purpose, from in-dependence to inter-dependence, from information to wisdom of the earth. Is this a second Renaissance?
Bio: Dr. Stefan Ferber

Dr. Stefan Ferber is Director for Communities & Partner Networks of the Internet of Things and Services at Bosch Software Innovations GmbH in Germany - a 100% subsidiary of Robert Bosch GmbH.
Dr. Ferber has more than twenty years experience in software development, software processes, software product lines and software architectures for embedded, computer vision and IT domains.
Dr. Ferber worked at the research center of DaimlerChrysler AG in Ulm in the field of 3D computer vision, robotics, and measurement technologies. In 2000 he joined Robert Bosch GmbH working on software architectures and software product lines as an internal consultant and researcher in Frankfurt. Starting in 2004 he was responsible for the Corporate Systems Engineering Process Group (C-SEPG) and the research department for software and system processes at Bosch in Stuttgart. Since 2009 he was the Product Manager for the Bosch eMobility Solution and therefore engaged internationally in the eMobility market, business models, standardization, and technology topics in Europe, Asia, and Australia.
Dr. Ferber holds a Ph.D. and a diploma degree in Computer Science from the University of Karlsruhe, Germany and a MSc. in Computer Science from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, USA.
Title: Introduction of the technology and standardization of IoT
Presenter:Dr. Haitao Liu
Role:President of Wuxi Industrialization Research Institute and the Chairman of the Board of Sensing Group Corporation
The topic will introduce the situation of IoT in China especially about the technology and standard development refer to the research result and experience.
Bio: Dr. Haitao Liu

Dr. Haitao Liu was born in 1968. He is the President of Wuxi Industrialization Research Institute and the Chairman of the Board of Sensing Group Corporation. He is the 973 national primer scientist of IoT, member of national information consulting committee. He also acts as the head of National Base Standard Working group of IoT and Sensor Networks Working Group. He was rewarded one the second prize of national scientific and technological progress and two of the first prize of Shanghai scientific and technological progress and the smart achievement prize of CAS. He was the CCTV Annual Economical Evaluates and rewarded the National “May 1”Labor Medalist.
Title:The Netwoked society - challenges and opportunities
Presenter:Jan Färjh
Role:Vice President and Head of Ericsson Research, director of Ericsson's global research
Entering The Networked Society introduce many challenges but even more opportunities for our industry.In the future, When everyone and everything is connected, the demand on e.g. capacity, coverage, flexibility and quality on the networks will increase.The growth of Mobile Broadband and an environment for open innovation will provide systems that can deliver services and applications with high quality to many different industry segments, that will be useful and beneficial. In this talk an overview of what currently is happening in our industry, a vision of the future and some important technical challenges will be presented.
Bio: Jan Färjh

Jan Färjh, Vice President and Head of Ericsson Research, is heading Ericsson's global research organisation.
Jan Färjh took his M.Sc in telecommunication at the royal institute of Technology in Stockholm,1985.
After his graduation he developed signal processing algorithms for airborne radar systems.
In 1990 he joined Ericsson and started to work with radio access technologies. He has a strong background in wireless research and was part of Ericsson's pioneering activities in WCDMA in the early 90's. In 1996 he became manager of the unit responsible for radio access research. The research performed in this unit has substantially contributed to the evolution of WCDMA, HSPA and LTE (4G), technologies that today provide Mobile Broadband on global base.
In 2007 he became Head of Ericsson Research. Ericsson Resarch is a global organisation present in North America, Europe and Asia.
Ericsson Research consists of 600 researchers in 10 different countries and are responsible for technology research in areas such as wireless, transport, packet, services, software, multimedia, security emf safety and sustainability.
Title:pHealth:Wearable and Unobtrusive Medical Devices for the Internet of Things
Presenter:Y.T. Zhang
Role:Director of Joint Research Center for BME at EE-CUHK, Hong Kong, China; and Director of the Key Lab for Health Informatics of Chinese Academy of Sciences (HICAS) at SIAT, Shenzhen, China
Cardiovascular diseases continue to be the leading cause of death in China and all other developed countries. A cost-effective solution to control cardiovascular diseases and other chronic diseases is to commence monitoring and modifying risk factors and possible causes leading to the development of the diseases before noticeable symptoms of illnesses have developed. In essence, future healthcare systems should encourage the Participation of all nations for the Prevention of illnesses and the early Prediction of diseases such that Preemptive treatment is delivered to realize Pervasive and Personalized healthcare, i.e., the paradigm of the 6-Ps health or in short pHealth. Health informatics plays an important role in implementing the pHealth. Advancing health informatics has been identified as one of 14 grand challenges in engineering in the 21st century. The Internet of Things (IoT) and cloudy computing are critically important for pHealth especially pervasive and preventive healthcare. This talk will present the concept and challenges of cardiovascular health informatics together with the progress of our project on “Myocardial Infraction and Stroke Screening and Intervention among Nations (MISSIoN 2020)”. The enabling technologies such as wearable and unobtrusive physiological sensing suitable for the IoT will be discussed in the presentation. Using the MISSIoN 2020 project as an example, we will illustrate that these approaches should allow the practice of 6-Ps health that is pervasive, predictive, preventive, personalized, participatory, and preemptive in the near future.
Bio: Y.T. Zhang
Dr. Yuan-Ting Zhang serves currently the Director of Joint Research Center for Biomedical Engineering and Professor of Department of Electronic Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Hong Kong, China; and the Director of the Key Lab for Health Informatics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (HICAS), Shenzhen, China. He became the founding Head of Biomedical Engineering Division at the CUHK in Hong Kong and the founding Director of the CAS-SIAT Institute of Biomedical and Health Engineering in Shenzhen in 2007.
His research spans several fields including wearable medical devices, body sensor networks, bio-THz technologies, bio-modeling, neural engineering, cardiovascular health informatics, and e-p-m-Heath and telemedicine technologies, and is closely tied up to his teaching and publishing activities. He has authored/co-authored over 400 scientific publications and 11 book chapters, and filed 31 patents. His research work has won him and his team a number of Awards including the best journal paper awards and outstanding service award from IEEE-EMBS, and the Asia Pacific ICTA e-Health Grand Award.
Dr. Zhang provided extensively professional services of significant value to the local industries and global academic communities. He served as Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, founding Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Guest Editor for IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, and Guest Editor for IEEE Communication Magazine. He was previously AdCom member and the Vice-President of the IEEE-EMBS. He served as the Technical Program Chair and the General Conference Chair of the 20th and 27th IEEE-EMBS Annual International Conferences in 1998 and 2005, respectively. He was a member of IEEE Fellow Elevation Committee and the Award Committee for IEEE Medal on Innovations in Healthcare Technology.
Dr. Zhang serves currently on IAMBE Fellow Membership Committee, IEEE-EMBS Standard Committee, HK-ITC Projects Assessment Panel, Editorial Board Member for the Book Series of Biomedical Engineering published by IEEE Press and Willey, Chair of working group for developing IEEE standard on wearable cuffless blood pressure measuring devices, and Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine (which will be renamed as IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (J-BHI) starting from Jan. 2013).
Dr. Zhang holds the fellowships from the International Academy of Medical and Biological Engineering (IAMBE), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the development of wearable medical devices and mobile health technologies.
Dr. Zhang completed his undergraduate and Master Degree studies in 1976 and 1981, respectively, in telecommunication from Department of Electronics of Shandong University and was conferred a Ph.D. in the area of Biomedical Engineering from the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of New Brunswick in 1990.