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A range of IoT technology, service and product exhibits will be featured as a part of the 2 day Conference on Nov. 30 and Dec. 1.
| IBM | NTT Laboratories | Unicom | Mitsui | Keio Univ. |
IBM is to show two research topics.
1. New Era of RFID Technology - Mojix STAR System -
2. Integrated cloud computing management with sensor devices
Cloud computing service provides a virtualized IT resources to users automatically. This automation of cloud computing for IT resources can improve the service delivery time and reduces the IT expenses. On the other hand, the sensor devices have a potential to be used for providing a new service in a real world. Since one organization usually owns those sensor
devices and its application, those sensor services are tightly linked to its application service directly.
Integrated cloud computing management provides sensor devices as a part of IT resources for end users. This infrastructure with the integrated cloud computing management has a potential to accelerate service innovation since it is shared among IT application services. This new type of cloud computing service is demonstrated at our exhibition booth.
NTT Laboratories is to show two research topics.
1. Wide-Area Ubiquitous Network (WAUN)
We are undertaking research and development of a wide-area ubiquitous network (WAUN) as a wireless communication system that exhibits the characteristics required for M2M communication. The goal of WAUN is to facilitate the establishment of a safe and secure ubiquitous society. The WAUN can provide bidirectional network services, such as the collection of data held by objects and delivery of data to objects. The system consists of a core network, base stations, and wireless terminals.
Wireless terminals are compact, economical, and energy-saving because their limited functionality is strongly supplemented by the core network and base stations.
In the exhibition, we show the system architecture of WAUN, and discusses the business areas that the network is expected to support, and gives examples of the network's usage.
2. Distributed Sampling Storage
IoT techniques make it possible to retrieve the statuses of people, objects, and environments as data in real-time. It is expected that, in future networks, very large quantities of such data will be generated, disseminated via advanced networks, translated into fruitful information by data-mining schemes, and utilized for various services. Given those goals, data storage is one of the key technologies. Therefore, we propose a novel architecture for the distributed storage of sensor data, named distributed sampling storage. It is designed for efficient statistical processing.
The proposed storage system is highly scalable, fault-tolerant, and inherently offers a sampling function. In addition, it has a framework to ensure the accuracy of the statistics that are generated.
In this exhibition, we show the basic architecture and a concept demonstration of the distributed sampling storage.
United Communication Services Inc.
Z-Wave: The New Standard in Wireless Remote Control
Z-Wave makes any home a "smart home" - quickly, easily and affordably!
Z-Wave unifies all your home electronics into an integrated wireless network, with no complicated programming and no new cables to run. Any Z-Wave enabled device can be effortlessly added to this network, and many non-Z-Wave devices can be made compatible by simply plugging them into a Z-Wave accessory module. In seconds, your device gets joined to the network and can communicate wirelessly with other Z-Wave modules and controllers.
And Z-Wave lets you control these devices in ways that give you complete command even when you're not at home yourself. You can control your Z-Wave household remotely from a PC and the Internet from anywhere in the world...even through your cell phone!
Mitsui & Co., Ltd. and Keio University
Medication Management Using Home Sensor Network Toward Expanding Home Health Care
- Wellness Community Project -
Proper medication management is an essential requirement for successful home health care. However, it is difficult particularly for old patients who live on their own. They sometimes even forget their missing medications. Existing medication management systems try to solve this problem by providing automated alerting or observation systems.
We have approached the problem differently. Our system tries to help medical staff take more frequent and more detailed care of patients without sacrificing their time and labor. The system based on a simple home sensor network which is small and low power enough to be implemented on commodity pill boxes. A simple open/close information of the pill box is
collected by a sensor network and sent to a database using a 3G network. Medical staff, such as visiting nurses, can check their patient's medication history at any time and any place using a cellular phone in a half automated manner. They can also send a message to a digital photo frame in the patient' s home with a report of their medication history.
We have been conducting trials over two months with three patients. The system and live trial results will be shown in our exhibition booth.
Open Architecture Information Sharing for Total Product Life Cycle Information Management of Consumer Electronics
- RACOW Project - (RFID Auto-Committing Open Architecture using WiMAX)
Item level RFID tagging is expected to prevail in consumer electronics in the near future to improve supply chain management and reverse logistics. Multiple business parties can share and discover information associated with a particular unique ID using the architecture of network RFID. The increased demand for environmental off-load, product safety and consumer applications in an IoT era motivated us to develop an ID based information sharing platform over the total product life cycle of consumer electronics. Network RFID system with heterogeneous data acquisition technology such as RFID protocol, ZigBee, Ethernet and UPnP, connects "Things" with "Information services" using Web technology over IPv6 transport.
RACOW Project has been developing the system using WiMAX technology in Fujisawa-City in Japan. This project is supported by Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications under contract on Network Integrated Control System Standardization Project/ Wireless system for environmental off-load.