TOP > workshop
| Special Roundtable | Special Workshop - Policy, Legal and Regulatory Issues | Organized Workshops | Open Workshops |
The following workshops will be held on November 29. Workshop attendance is included in the three-day [Full Conference] registration. One-day [Workshop] registration is also available for those who do not intend to participate in the Conference program on November 30 and December 1. Registration allows you to participate in any of the Workshops below. The overall Workshop schedule is not yet finalized, however several of the Workshops presented below will be full-day; others half-day. As such it will be possible to attend more than one Workshop session. Final schedule detail will be available in October.
Workshop Schedule
3F Crown A | 3F Crown B | 2F Harumi A | 2F Harumi B | ||
9:00-9:10 | Welcome from General Chair Workshop Outline |
9:10-10:40 | Special Round Table on IoT for a Green Planet |
10:40-11:00 | Break | ||||
11:00-12:30 | Interactive Architecture: Connecting and Animating the Built Environment with the Internet of Things |
From the INTRAnet of Things to the INTERnet of Things - Establishing a common architecture for the IoT | Sustainable Society with Internet of Things | ||
12:30-14:00 | Lunch | ||||
14:00-15:30 | Identifying Location: coordinates, text, id and context | Un-Tangible Identification in International Trade | IoT: New Challenges for Technology and Society? | ||
15:30-16:00 | |||||
16:00-17:30 | E-Energy: An Internet of Energy | New Information Infrastructure Powered by Internet of Things | |||
17:30-17:55 | Break | ||||
17:55-18:55 | Welcome Reception |
Round table on Internet of Things for a Green Planet
Round table on Internet of Things for a Green Planet* | |
Jiro Kokuryo, Chairperson | Keio University, Japan |
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"Internet of Things" is now used in many occasions to describe a future world where cyber-space connects to the real-world through automatic recognition of things and incidents through ubiquitous computing technology. As an emerging Internet of Things is expected to trigger massive adoption by consumers and citizens, the effects to everyday life may be enormous. Accordingly, industries, national as well as supranational bodies are becoming interested in governing these developments in order to also seek international collaborations for solving larger‐scale challenges such as environmental protection, international trade efficiency, and privacy of the single citizen. In this round table, we have distinguished delegates from EU, US, China and Japan to present and discuss their efforts and collaborations to nurture Internet of Things adoptions and long term policy to leverage IoT. Speakers: |
Special Workshop - Policy, Legal and Regulatory Issues
IoT: New Challenges for Technology and Society? | |
Workshop co-hosted by the Berkman Center for Internet & Society in collaboration with Keio University, Shonan Fujisawa Campus | |
As the Internet of Things (IoT) develops from a technological vision to a reality with economic and social relevance, various types of concerns, tensions, and conflicts are likely to emerge among the various stakeholders, ranging from privacy challenges to intellectual property disputes. As with previous information and communication technologies, we can expect that law and policy-makers around the globe will draw attention to these emerging tussles and will seek to either subsume the new phenomenon under existing legal rules or come up with new laws to regulate it. Starting with a keynote speech on the importance of interoperability in the IoT ecosystem, experts from three continents will identify, map, and discuss with the audience the key policy topics and legal/regulatory issues associated with IoT. At the core of the workshop is the question whether the IoT phenomenon leads to problems and issues that are different from what we have seen in the discussion about the regulation of the Internet over the past decade. The workshop not only looks at problems, but also explores possible solutions: If there are new challenges, are the existing legal frameworks well-suited to deal with these issues or is there need for new -- or perhaps different -- laws? What are likely responses by governments around the world when regulating the IoT? Do we see the emergence of geographically and culturally distinct governance responses? What will be the main conflict zones among Asian, European, and US policies? Is there need for a global governance approach to regulate IoT, and how could such a model look like? The workshop will be interactive and seeks to bring together IoT technologist, business leaders, economists, and legal scholars. The workshop will be co-chaired by Urs Gasser, Berkman Center for Internet & Society, Harvard Law School, and Jun Murai, Keio University
Speakers and panelists include: John Palfrey, Berkman Center for Internet & Society, Harvard Law School
The following workshops have been invited for inclusion in the program by the Workshop Co-Chairs.
E-Energy: An Internet of Energy | |
Toshiharu Kato | Representative & CEO, Smart Project Inc. Former Visiting Professor of Graduate School of Tokyo University |
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Smart Grid has a lot of potential to create ICT based low carbon society in the 21st Century.The primary purpose of this workshop titled "E-Energy: An Internet of Energy" is to discuss and explore E-Energy model that demonstrates how the immense potential for optimization presented by ICT can best be harnessed to enhance the efficiency and environmental compatibility of the distributed energy supply and to ensure customer engagement and satisfaction. It is also hoped that the E-Energy model projects will pinpoint ways to create new jobs and markets. Speakers: |
Identifying Location: coordinates, text, id and context | |
Ryosuke Shibasaki | University of Tokyo, Japan |
![]() Ryosuke Shibasaki is a Professor, Center for Spatial Information Science, University of Tokyo. His research interests cover geospatial data acquisition, data assimilation for moving objects like people and vehicles, geo-intelligence, context-aware services based on personal behavior model. | |
Helping experts of Internet of Things better understand how to describe location and time and the requirements for standardization of location description, and finally, to promote the applications, invite their feedback and inputs on PI as a framework enabling flexible location description and exchange of location information. 1. Why is identification of location important? Scope of the workshop 2. How to standardize location and time description; example from ISO/TC211 3. GNSS Emerging standard of location and timing 4. How to describe location on transporation network; examples from ITS 5. Identifying location from text; Address matching 6. PI (Place Identification): Location description based on context 7. Discussion 10min. |
Interactive Architecture: Connecting and Animating the Built Environment with the Internet of Things | |
Scott S. Fisher | USC School of Cinematic Arts, USA |
Jennifer Stein | USC School of Cinematic Arts, USA |
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The Internet of Things presents a groundwork for thinking about the implications and applications for connected, animated, and interactive architectural spaces. The growing number of ubiquitous and embedded computing technologies introduces a new paradigm for how we interact with the built environment, while mobile and pervasive devices offer new possibilities for sensing and communicating with buildings and objects in the physical world. These technologies are used not only for collecting and providing data, but also as a way to animate and collectively augment the world around us. In thinking about creating hybrid physical and digital architectural spaces, we are presented with new forms of interactivity between humans, computers and the built environment. In this context, Interactive Architecture explores the possibilities for dynamic, interactive spaces in which people and buildings engage in a mutual relationship with one other. By connecting the data, stories and experiences that develop though this relationship between buildings and their inhabitants, the built environment becomes an interactive, adaptive and animate entity. The workshop will explore how the Internet of Things not only connects physical and digital spaces, but how these networked spaces and objects might become playfully responsive characters that engage people with the built environment in new ways. |
Sustainable Society with Internet of Things | |
Kazushi Kuse | VP, Yamato Laboratory IBM Japan |
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Haruyoshi Kumura | Fellow, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. |
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Yoshiki Yamagata | National Institute for Environmental Studies |
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Josef Galaskiewics | Professor of Sociology, University of Arizona |
![]() 1971-1976 - Sociology, Ph.D. | |
Hiroshi Maruyama | Information Processing Society of Japan |
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There will be a trillion connected objects - cars, appliances, cameras, roadways, pipelines, smart meters, buildings, houses - comprising the "Internet of Things." We will discuss key issues and technologies to realize a sustainable society by Internet of Things. EV Pioneers Community Smart Agent-based Simulation for Designing Low Carbon City Dynamic Social Network Analysis of International Environmental Regimes Sustainable Society with Internet of Things |
Un-Tangible Identification in International Trade | |
Naotaka Ishizawa | NYK Line, Japan |
![]() Since August 2006, Ishizawa has been working at NYK to establish new global standards for the use of RFID technology in the logistics industry. For example, he has been co-chair of the Transportation & Logistics User Group (in GS1), where he promotes involvement by global members. He also spearheaded the first official global pilot project for RFID between locations in China, Japan, the U.S., and the EU, a project that included air, ocean, and inland transport modes. Thus, he has developed a growing international network of concerned stakeholders. | |
This workshop aims to show that the identification of intangible business entities is important and that there is a lot of room for research and pilot programs. In the world of Internet of Things, all tangible entities have their own globally unique identifiers. To make the best use of this concept for business purposes, intangible business entities also should have their own globally unique identifiers. The combination of tangible and intangible identifications will allow the creation of new businesses that were originally unfeasible because of a lack of visibility. The workshop presents examples of intangible-entity identifiers and their application in international logistics. UCR (unique consignment reference) is such an identifier of international shipments and is shared among multiple parties in different countries. By identifying physical cargo with a UCR, you can obtain real-time item-level visibility. And this visibility allows a wider application of ABL (asset-based lending) in the supply chain. At the moment, only cargoes within a physically localized area (such as a whole ship or warehouse area) are suitable for ABL. But the combination of item-level identification and UCR allows more-complicated ABL in the supply chain. Industry experts at the workshop will discuss ongoing activities involving UCR and ABL in international logistics. Speakers: |
New Information Infrastructure Powered by Internet of Things | |
Noboru Koshizuka | The University of Tokyo, Ubiquitous ID Center, Japan |
![]() Since 1990, he has been participating the TRON (The Realtime Operating system Nucleus) Project. For about 15 years, he has been researching ubiquitous computing, embedded systems, human interface, and computer networks. Currently, his main research interests are ubiquitous computing, embedded real-time systems, operating systems, and computer networks. | |
Internet of things (IoT) involves technologies useful for building Smart Houses, Smart Buildings, and Smart Cities. It blurs the difference between real and virtual worlds and brings powerful information and communication technologies of virtual cyber world to our real world. In this case, the Internet of Things will become a new information infrastructure for the future. This workshop provides special presentation of practical projects in Japan, which adopt the technology of Internet of Things for improving our society so smartly. This new information infrastructure is also one of the key elements for the low environmental impact living and the future green society. Speakers: |
The following five workshops have been accepted from the open call for proposals.
WS1: SecIoT 2010:The 1st Workshop on the Security of the Internet of Things | |
Jim Clarke | Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland |
Rodrigo Roman | University of Malaga, Spain |
Stefanos Gritzalis | University of the Aegean, Greece |
Jianying Zhou | Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore |
Before the Internet of Things (IoT) vision takes its first steps, it is essential to consider the security implications of billions of intelligent things cooperating with other real and virtual entities over the Internet. In fact, we need to plan well in advance what kind of technological mechanisms, protocols and standard infrastructures we will need in order to protect the IoT. Failure to do so will result in a weak infrastructure that will be surely exploited by malicious entities performing attacks such as accessing personal information or manipulating the elements of the real world. Securing the IoT is a very complex task, because there are plenty of factors that must be taken into account. |
WS2: LocWeb 2010: Third International Workshop on Location and the Web 2010 | |
Susanne Boll | University of Oldenburg, Germany |
Johannes Schoning | DFKI, Saarland University, Germany |
Erik Wilde | School of Information, UC Berkeley, USA |
The Third International Workshop on Location and the Web (LocWeb 2010) focuses on research and development that targets the intersection of Internet-enabled location-aware/located devices, and services based on Web technologies and Web architecture. The rapid rise of multi-sensory mobile devices and Internet-enabled "things" equipped with sensors and ubiquitous connectivity opens new possibilities and provides the foundations to capture, share and use Web services and applications in ways which go beyond the traditional scenarios of stationary or even mobile computer-like devices. Increasingly, applications will have to bridge the physical world and the Web space, and location is one of the major connecting links. When Web services will "surround" users, designers have to address the challenges of scalability and interoperability on the Web, and designers also have to look at policy, regulatory, and legislative responses to the privacy and security challenges created by something as sensitive as location information. |
WS3: Urban IOT 2010: Urban Internet of Things - Towards Programmable Real-time Cities | |
Vlad Trifa | SAP Research Switzerland & Institute for Pervasive Computing ETH Zurich & MIT SENSEable City Lab |
Karmen Franinovic | Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), zero-th studio |
Kristian Kloeckl | IUAV University of Venice & MIT SENSEable City Lab |
Dominique Guinard | SAP Research Switzerland & Institute for Pervasive Computing ETH Zurich & MIT Mobile Experience Lab |
As more people move to cities, it becomes increasingly challenging to build efficient infrastructures that support the needs of inhabitants without sacrificing the quality of life. The increasing digital instrumentation of urban areas through various networked sensors provides many opportunities to design smarter cities through a meaningful interpretation and usage of all this real-time data. In today's world, there are strong incentives to leverage the most recent technologies to create digital infrastructures that foster collaboration between the different disciplines involved in urban design. By considering the IoT as a platform for engaging citizen's action, a new design space is created where citizens are at the center of its urban environment and empowered to actively shape the city he live in. This workshop will gather original and inspiring contributions from technology experts, researchers in academia and industry, designers, urban planners, and architects to share their knowledge, experiences, and best practices for building smarter cities. We will explore the design of open and efficient platforms and tools to collect, analyze, store, and share the enormous amount of real-time data digital cities generate through a mix of papers, demos, invited presentations and open discussions for collectively create the city of the future.. |
WS4: Trustworthy IoPTS: The 4th International Workshop on Trustworthy Internet of People, Things & Services | |
Atta Badii | School of Systems Engineering, University of Reading, UK |
Mario Hoffmann | Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology, Munich, Germany |
Claudia Eckert | Technical University Munich, Germany |
The vision of the future "Trustworthy Internet of People, Things and Services, IoPTS" is gaining momentum in the emergent academic, industrial and market innovation arenas. Many key enabling technologies are already emerging such as secure middleware and service-oriented architectures, virtualisation, RFID, and sensor networking. The vision of cloud computing (eCloud) further motivates interest in research and innovation to underpin ubiquitous IoPTS integration. However the promises of the Future Internet in empowering cooperativity support to underpin optimal eMobility, eHealth, eSecurity, eCloud and eMedia services delivery have to be realised in a societally safe, trustworthy, ethical and acceptable manner as well as in increasingly scalable, sustainable and affordable ways; so as to push forwards the frontiers of digital inclusivity amongst citizens. Thus the 4th International Conference on the theme of Trustworthy Internet of People, Things and Services stands at the confluence of Future Secure, Trust-based Internet, and, the vision of Ambient Intelligence as underpinned by pervasive-assistive technologies serving the IoPTS within the framework of semantically interoperable service-oriented and model-driven architectures. Such systems will have to be evaluated within challenging proving grounds such as in Ambient Assistive Living and other emergent FIA application domains e.g. SmartGrids-MobiPetsCloud, SmartCities, Green ICT and eMobility. |
WS5: INCO-FP7: International Research Collaboration - Participation in the European Research Framework Programme | |
Peter Fatelnig | European Commission, DG Information Society, BU25.3.175, B-1049 Brussels |
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The workshop aims at raising the interest of international collaboration with Japan under the European framework programme for research and technological development (FP7). Japan as an industrialised economy shares many of the technological challenges and issues with the European economy and society face. Japanese companies traditional participate through their long-established European subsidiaries and laboratories, a process which is well established and respected at both sides. Japanese academic organisation participate directly in consortia and project, however this is less developed and used. The workshop will present and explain opportunities for ICT collaboration EU-Japan in the context of the work programme 2011-12 and raise the interest in international research collaboration. Agenda (overall planned length: 2.5 hrs) Workshop Panel: Mr Peter Fatelnig, European Commission - "Introduction to the EU RTD Framework Programme" - 20' Ms Barbara Rhode, Head of the Science & Technology Section, Minister-Counsellor at the Delegation of the European Union to Japan - "EU-Japan Science and Technology Agreement" 20' Mr Chihiro Sawada, Vice President of NEC Central Research Labs "International Research Collaboration at NEC" - 20' Mr Nozomu Nishinaga, National Institute of Information and Communication Technology (NICT) - "Examples of EU-Japan academic orient research collaboration" - 20 ' Panel discussion and Q/A - 30' |
WS6: From the INTRAnet of Things to the INTERnet of Things - Establishing a common architecture for the IoT | |
Sebastian Lange | IoT-A Coordinator, Senior Consultant, VDI/VDE-IT, Germany |
This session is dedicated to discussing and presenting the needs and requirements posed upon a universal architecture enabling the emergence of a true internet of things and to achieve the transition from an intranet of things to the internet of things. The speakers in the session will present the initial approach of the EU FP7 IoT-A project as well as of the European IoT cluster (IERC) towards establishing a truly applicable IoT architecture and will present and discuss the proposed European IoT strategy for establishing a world wide accepted concept for the web of things. The presentations will highlight amongst others the technical challenges of establishing a federated universal Internet of Things Architecture and will also elaborate on barriers and roadblocks that are already visible today. Additionally, the concept of an IoT stakeholder group will be outlined that is currently being established to gather requirements for the future IoT and to validate the intermediate steps of the architecture reference model. The stakeholder group shall federate all those institutions that are currently involved in the development of IoT applications, services, or are dealing with regulatory issues or expecting to become involved in this topic in the future. Finally, a short panel discussion will open the floor for question and answers and discuss the challenges and barriers ahead with the audience. Speakers: |
Workshop Proposals
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit workshop proposals to IoT2010 program co-chairs (iot2010-pc-chairs@autoidlabs.org), no later than June 11th(extended) 23:59 (EST), 2010. Submissions may be made by e-mail (PDF, or ASCII) with "IoT2010 workshop Submission" in the subject header. The workshop can either be a by-invitation workshop or an open workshop. Proposals must include:
-The name of the workshop.
-A statement of goals for the workshop.
-The names and addresses of the organizers.
-The names of potential participants (of a by-invitation workshop)
-The names of PC members (of an open workshop)
-A description of the plans for call for participation (e.g., call for papers).
-The planned length of the workshop.
Please note that workshop papers will be published as Internet of Things 2010 Workshop Proceedings and will not be on IEEE Xplore because their selection process is different from conference full papers.