This year’s IoT 2023 successfully ended. We appreciate all participants, authors, presenters, and all who worked in this conference. And the next year – IoT 2024 will be held in Oulu, Finland!
The 13th International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT 2023) was held for 4 days – first day was for Workshops, and the rest for main conference – from Nov. 7th to Nov. 10th, at Nagoya, JAPAN. This year’s program had 3 fascinating keynote talks, 6 paper sessions with 18 excellent papers, 17 amazing posters/demos. We hope you also enjoyed the conference reception at Noyori hall in Nagoya University and the banquet in SGMAGLEV and Railway Park.
Among the accepted papers, posters, and demos, the following awards are sent. Congulatulations!
- Best Paper Award – Build-A-Bot: Developing A Software Platform For A Modular Mobile Robot by Khaled Kassem, Galya Pavlova, Sebastian Schlund, Florian Michahelles (TU Wien)
- Best Paper Candidate Award
- Kaolid: a Lid-type Olfactory Interface to Present Retronasal Smell towards Beverage Flavor Augmentation by Daiki Mayumi, Yugo Nakamura (Kyushu University), Yuki Matsuda, Shinya Misaki, Keiichi Yasumoto (Nara Institute of Science and Technology)
- AttentionFunc: Balancing FaaS Compute across Edge-Cloud Continuum with Reinforcement Learning by Kexin Li (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China), Stefan Nastic (TU Wien)
- Exploring CNN and XAI-based Approaches for Accountable MI Detection in the Context of IoT-enabled Emergency Communication Systems by Helene Knof (Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems), Prachi Bagave (Delft University of Technology), Michell Boerger, Nikolay Tcholtchev (Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems), Aaron Yi Ding (Delft University of Technology)
- Best Poster Award – Not Seeing is a Flower: Experiences and Lessons Learned from Making IoT Platforms for Small-Scale Farms in Japan by Israel Mendonca dos Santos (Kumamoto University), Angeline Chong Vun Yiing (Universiti Teknologi Petronas), Masayoshi Aritsugi (Kumamoto University)
- Best Poster Runner-up – EmoGO: Emotion Estimation on Gazed Object by Using Mobile Eye-Tracker by Takumi Karasawa, Satoki Hamanaka, Taiga Kume, Wataru Sasaki, Jin Nakazawa, Tadashi Okoshi (Keio University)
- Best Demo Award – 360 Robot Hand Interaction for Group Telepresence with MetaPo by Yoshiki Watanabe, Nozomi Hayashida, Shin Katayama, Kenta Urano, Takuro Yonezawa, Nobuo Kawaguchi (Nagoya University)
- Best Demo Runner-up – Counting Nods from Chair Rocking by Toshiki Hayashida, Yugo Nakamura, Hyuckjin Choi, Yutaka Arakawa (Kyushu University)
We thank again for all those who worked in this conference, and hope your health with golden shachihoko fish statue – which is a guardian deity shining on top of Nagoya-jo castle.