Thank you very much for your participation at and support of IoT 2021! We are looking forward to seeing you at IoT 2022 that will be organized by TU Delft and take place in November 2022 in Delft, Netherlands.
The 11th International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT 2021) took place in a hybrid setting from Nov. 8 – Nov. 11 2021. Physically, IoT 2021 was organized by the Institute of Computer Science at the University of St.Gallen. In addition to the main paper tracks, the physical conference program includes many possibilities for professional exchange including at IoT’s conference dinner. All sessions of the conference including the keynotes and poster/demo sessions were furthermore streamed, and we have tried our best to cater to the needs of our virtual participants as well.
We are grateful to all our participants, demo and poster presenters, paper presenters, and keynote speakers for making IoT 2021 possible! Some pictures of IoT 2021 are available via Twitter, @IoTConference22