Workshop Program

Workshop I

Handling the Internet of Things: Human-Computer Interaction Perspectives on IoT

Uni-Center, 1st floor, BR 4

Workshop II

IoT-CWSI 2017 (IoT Connected World and Semantic Interoperability) workshop

Uni-Center, 1st floor, Festsaal A

Workshop III

First International Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering for the Internet of Things (MDE4IoT)

Uni-Center, 1st floor, BR2

14:00     Daniel Schall, SIEMENS AG Oesterreich, on IoT
14:45     Federico Ciccozzi, Maelardalen University (Sweden), MDE4IoT
15:30     COFFEE BREAK
16:00     Hong-Linh Truong and Luca Berardinelli, TU Wien, Report from EU IoT projects
16:30     Bernhard Wally, TU Wien, Bericht vom HRSM CPS/IoT Ecosystem Projekt
16:50     Ezio Bartocci, Teaching IoT
17:10     Stefan Schulte, Teaching IoT for Smart Systems
17:30     Plenary Discussion


Workshop IV

IoT applications creating value for industry – chances from data, analytics and vision
Survey: IoT Survey – IoT applications creating value for industry

Uni-Center, 1st floor, BR 5

Workshop VI

Eighth International Workshop on the Web of Things (WoT 2017)

Uni-Center, 1st floor, BR 3