Keynote Speakers
We are delighted to announce our keynote speakers for IoT 2020: Prof. Diane J. Cook and Prof. Schahram Dustdar.

Automating Health Assessment and Intervention Using a Digital Twin
Digital Twins are a disruptive technology that offers the ability to automate human health assessment and intervention by creating a holistic, digital replica of a physical human. The increasing availability of sensing platforms and the maturing of data mining methods support the ability to build such a replica from continuously, passively-sensed data. By using the quantified self, we can more precisely understand current and future health status and anticipate the outcomes of behavior-driven interventions. In this talk, I will discuss the challenges that accompany creating human digital twins in the wild, survey emerging methods that tackle these challenges, and describe some of the current and future impacts that technologies have for supporting our aging population.

Head of the Distributed Systems
Group at TU Wien, Austria
Edge Intelligence – Edge Computing and Artificial Intelligence
With the advent of Edge Computing and the coming of age of Artificial Intelligence, there is a strong demand to integrate Edge Computing and AI, which gives birth to Edge Intelligence. In this article, we divide Edge Intelligence into AI for Edge (Intelligence-enabled Edge Computing) and AI on Edge (Artificial Intelligence on Edge). In this talk we will discuss on giving insights into this new inter-disciplinary field from a broader vision and perspective. We discuss the core concepts and the research roadmap, which should provide the necessary background for potential future research programs in Edge Intelligence.