Posters and Demo Sessions

October 7, 2020

16:00 – 16:15 ___ Welcome and Introductions from presenters

Location: Zoom Room 1

16:15 – 17:00 ___ Posters and Demo Sessions (2 tracks)

Location for posters: Zoom Room P1

  • Poster: Comparison Between Different Platform Using a Uniform Relay Protocol in Linear Sensor Network
    Olivier Flauzac,Hérard Joffrey, Florent Nolot
  • Poster: On the use of air quality microsensors for supporting decision makers
    Kerstin Bach, Sigmund Akselsen, Tiago Veiga, Ilias Kalamaras
  • Poster: SwarM: A Lightweight Hybrid Message-oriented Middleware
    José Ghislain Quenum, Ahlonko Awazazu Kuasi-kpede
  • Demo: A Cloud-based Smart Doorbell using Low-Cost COTS Devices
    Bhavin Joshi, Tapan Pathak, Vatsal Patel, Sarth Kanani, Pankesh Patel, and Muhammad Intizar Ali

Location for demo sessions: Zoom Room 1

  • Demo: Cloud-based standardized device diagnostics for optimized operability of plants in the process industry
    Vivart Kapoor, Daniel Haller
    NB! A video for this demo will be played during this session. The live demo will be presented during the break time on Thursday, Oct. 8 at 14.35. Location: Zoom Lobby
  • Demo: Actuation Conflict Management enabler for DevOps in IoT
    Thibaut Gonnin, Frank Dechavanne, Gérald Rocher, Stéphane Lavirotte, Jean-Yves Tigli, Laurent Capocchi, Jean-Fracois Santucci
  • Demo: The NITOS Wireless Sensor Network Testbed for Experimenting with Long-Range Technologies
    Giannis Kazdaridis, Panagiotis Tzimotoudis, Nikos Sidiropoulos, Polychronis Symeonidis, Thanasis Korakis
  • Demo: The ICARUS Mote: Employing off-chip RTC to Control the Wake-up Phases of Sensing Devices
    Giannis Kazdaridis, Panagiotis Tzimotoudis, Nikos Sidiropoulos, Polychronis Symeonidis, Thanasis Korakis

17:00 – 17:15 ___ Poster and demo closing

Location: Zoom Room 1

About the session

The objective of the Posters and Demo sessions is to give researchers in the emerging research areas of IoT and their applications the opportunity to present early and fresh, in-progress results to share experiences and strategies while facilitating the discussion between authors and conference attendees.


In general terms, IoT 2020 is seeking works on all topics related to the development and adoption of the Internet of Things. In particular, possible topics are, but not limited to:

  • IoT Edge and Cloud Architectures
  • Web of Things
  • IoT Communication Technologies
  • AI and Machine Learning for the IoT
  • Sensing, Signal Processing, Actuation and Analytics
  • Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in the IoT
  • Real-world Applications, Deployments, and Testbeds 
  • Interacting with the IoT
  • Security, Privacy and Trust in the IoT Societal Impact of the IoT

Important Dates

Submissions: May 30, 2020 (23:59 AoE) New date: August 1, 2020 (23:59 AoE)
Notifications: June 30, 2020
New date: August 15, 2020
Camera Ready: September 1, 2020

Preparing and Submitting Your Poster or Demo

Researchers interested should submit 2 to 4 pages abstract (including references) formatted in the most recent ACM SIGCHI Extended Abstracts Format (Latex, Word, and Overleaf).

Papers should be submitted via the button below, must be written in English, and contain original material that has not been published or is currently undergoing review elsewhere. Papers will be peer-reviewed by two experts of the scientific committee following a single-blind review process (i.e., the identity of the reviewer is anonymous, but the author’s name and affiliation are on the paper). Accepted papers will be listed on DBLP and published via the ACM Digital Library. Cases of plagiarism or multiple submissions will be subject to disciplinary action as per ACM rules and regulations, and no-shows at the conference will result in exclusion from the ACM Digital Library. Your submission should be close to camera-ready and thoroughly copy-edited due to the short selection cycle. Furthermore, due to the very rapid selection process, we cannot offer any extensions to the deadline.

Special Note to Poster Submissions

When preparing accepted posters please note that your poster should not exceed the following dimensions: 841 x 1189 mm portrait format. Other formats will not be supported.

Special Note to Demo Submissions

Include an appendix with the description of the system and its purpose, its status of implementation and deployment, contents of the demo to be shown at the conference, and equipment. If you want to show a commercial product then you might be asked to pay an exhibition fee.

Contact: Daniel Spikol (